Tuesday, February 4, 2014

My Profile

Nury Robles

I am a Documentary and TV Production student and I am really enjoying learning everyday and watching how Media grows everyday as well. 
I am from Mexico where I have a bachelor’s in Journalism and Communication without finishing it; well I just need to do my thesis and then take the professional test to get "the real paper" that will certify me as a professional. This unfinished degree represents many things in my life, such as I am part of the old school where Internet was just for certain people, and I did not have all the information and tools that we have today and because it gave me the skills that I am perfecting today.
As many people in New York, I have been working in the Hospitality industry. So it has given me many good things to become a better person. I have learnt to be on time, work well under pressure, I learnt to create a sense of anticipation, to be a team player, to have organizational skills, to be approachable and the most important thing, to speak myself up and to speak in front of people not caring about my accent or my level of English. It has worked. I have improved my communication skills.
The experienced that influenced my life the most, it has been coming to the US. I love New York, even in winter when I say I hate it. This multicultural city, it is full of energy and it offers to you all you need or want.
In 5 years from now, I want to be a good editor or magazine writer and travel all around the world. I want to be happy with the experiences I can encounter!